Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Organize your phone using File Expert with Clouds

If you are an Android power user, then you know how important a good file manager is. Unfortunately, most OEM’s file managers are pretty basic. They give you the ability to move, copy, and delete files, but lack more advanced features. Today we’ll be taking a look at File Expert with Clouds.

File Expert with Clouds overview

File Expert with Clouds follows Google’s Material Design. This makes the navigation for the app simple and easy. There is the standard sidebar menu that contains your settings, disk analyzer, and account upgrade options.

The home screen is the first thing that you will see. This screen is set up in a feed format. This is a unique take on accessing your files. In the feed are customizable shortcuts to various  parts of the app, recently added photos, a news article or two, and advertisements.

There are also 3 other tabs that you can slide between. The categories tab is where you will spend your time managing your files. There are 3 sections to this tab. The first section is your basic file manager.

Of course, you can copy, paste, and move files around, but you can also compress folders into Zip files, create shortcuts to files on your launcher’s home screen, tag files, and add files to your favorites section.

The next section is for the advanced features of the app. This is basically where you will find files that you have tagged, placed in favorites, and put in the recycling bin.

The last section is for categories. This basically organizes your apps into categories. The categories are Apps, Gallery, Music, Video, Documents, and Compressed files. This makes it easy to find files that would fit into one of these categories.

The next tab over is the Clouds tab. This allows you to access your files in various cloud-based services. The Gcloud service comes preinstalled within the app, but for any of the other services, you will need to install an additional plugin. One of the impressive things about the app is how many different cloud services are supported. Supported cloud services are Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, SugarSync, Yandex, MediaFire, Vdisk, and Kdrive.

The last tab is tools. In tools, you’ll find Safebox, a tool that will allow you to secure certain files on your phone. Super Downloader is a tool to help you manage your downloads. FTP Server allows you to access your files on your desktop computer. Memory Manager allows you to place limits on how much memory apps can use, with 4 presets you can select or manual sliders that you can adjust to your taste.

Other options include an FTP and SMB client for browsing networked file locations. There is also a Web PC Suite download that is a stand alone app by the same developer. File Expert with Clouds integrates with the app and allows you to transfer files between other devices and platforms.

The basic account is ad supported and gives you all the basic functionality of the app. There are 3 other versions that are paid.

File Expert with CloudsFile Expert with CloudsFile Expert with Clouds

File Expert with CloudsFile Expert with CloudsFile Expert with Clouds

Professional Version $2.99

  • Remove all ads
  • Secure file locker
  • Retrieval of deleted files
  • Unlimited file tags

Premium Version $6.99/mo

  • Adds to Professional Version
    • 1T of Gcloud storage
    • Support for Dropbox data sync
    • Login required to use app

Flagship Version $19.99/mo

  • Adds to Premium Version
    • 5T of Gcloud storage

File Expert with Clouds setup

In order to fully be able to utilize the potential of the app, there are a few additional steps that you will need to follow in addition to downloading it from Google Play. Those steps involve downloading the plugins required to use your favorite cloud services and network locations. From there, you will need to login into the various cloud services that you use.

File Expert with Clouds usage

I found File Expert with clouds very easy to use. At first I wondered why they wouldn’t just bake the plugins into the app, but realized that this was probably a way to save space on your phone without compromising the functionality of the app.

The one thing that I had trouble with was moving files from one location to another. I tried to consolidate some videos on my SD card into the same folder, but I was greeted with an error message everytime I tried. I was able to delete files and use every other function of the app without any problem. I’m not sure what the hang up was. I even tried it in multiple locations. I was able to get it to work on my 1st gen Moto G, but for some reason it didn’t want to cooperate with my Asus PadFone X.

I also liked that they included a root explorer functionality.

What we liked:

  • Feed
  • Cloud services integration
  • Material design

What could be better:

  • Include the functionality of the plugins into the app

File Expert with Clouds summary

If you’re looking for a feature-rich file manager and you use a lot of cloud storage then I highly recommend that you download this app. I was initially a little underwhelmed, mostly because I am very happy with my current file manager. But as I delved deeper into the app, I was left feeling very impressed and contemplating whether I would make the switch or keep what I have. What do you think? Are you going to give the app a shot? Let us know in the comments below.

The post Organize your phone using File Expert with Clouds appeared first on AndroidGuys.

Source: AndroidGuys » AndroidGuys | Organize your phone using File Expert with Clouds
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